Diamonds are Forever but so is Moissanite – DovEggs-Seattle
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  • Moissanite is a 9.5 on the mohs hardness scale, making it one of the hardest substances on earth, second only to diamonds. Because of their hardness Moissanite lasts forever, just like diamonds. They’re perfect for daily wear. Their hardness prevents scratches and therefore they remain sparkly for a lifetime.
  •     “Will it last”, is a question that’s often asked.  Moissanite is a relatively new gemstone. It first began being created in a lab just over twenty years ago. So of course, you won’t see any 50-year-old moissanites, but the 9.5 hardness and the fact that it never clouds means that it absolutely will last through several generations. The same way semi-precious stones such as aquamarine and amethyst, which are considerably softer stones, last through generations, moissanite will hold up extremely well. In fact, Moissanite will look much nicer, after many generations, than a semi-precious stone because it won’t scratch.
  •   One of the main attractions of diamond engagement rings is the durability of diamonds. Diamond is the hardest substance known to man, but moissanite is not far behind in that regard. In fact, moissanite comes with a lifetime guarantee and one that is well-earned.
  • Moissanite can withstand temperatures up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. It has been used in bulletproof armor that could withstand more than 40 rounds of ammunition or a grenade going off nearby. And it is used in satellites, bringing its life cycle full circle.
  •   So, when considering whether to choose Moissanite you need not be concerned about whether it will last, just like a diamond, Moissanite is forever.

 Nowadays, there are sellers start to sell moissanite jewelry with apprasial from authenticity which will hugely release customer's mind to purchase with confident. However, the retail price goes a lot higher with the appraisal which does not seem to be worth considering the value. DovEggs provide a FREE APPRASIAL from authenticity and customer can ask for an apprasial even after owning the jewerly. It is one of the very big favor for the customers.

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