A Gem For Dreamers

Don’t lie, we’ve ALL done this, ladies. We’ve all randomly made our way to the costume

jewelry aisle in Target and tried on the super conspicuous diamond ring on our left ring

fifinger and imagined. Well, at least I have.

Let Me Put You All On Game

In the mist of my 3 AM-quarantine and chill-Youtube rabbit hole surfifing, I came across a

video by the beautiful Youtuber Maureen Hope raving about the gorgeous ring she just

received from a jewelry company named DoveEggs. Maureen explained how easy and

quick the ordering and shipping process was and gave it a 10 out of 10. Then she

showed the beautiful packaging, followed by all of the inserts and even demonstrated

how easy it is to measure your ring size using the tool provided. However, all I wanted

to know was if the ring had the “BLING-BLING” factor and not that hollow costume


Listen, when Maureen took off the already mammoth of ring on her left ring fifinger and

put on the 2- carat Moissanite white gold bridal set from DovEggs, the ring didn't say



So, What’s Moissanite Anyway?

In 1893 Henri Moissan, a French chemist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, discoverd the

crystal Silicon Carbide and zealously tried to recreate these minerals in a lab. Centuries

later when the Silicon Carbide (SIC) was fifinally recreated, scientist found that this

particular mineral was useful in many other technological advancements in addition to

jewelry. The icing on the cake is that Moissanite, being grown in a lab, is way more

environmentally friendly and humanly produced than many other highly sough after gems. We all can take comfort in knowing that we are doing our part by in investing in

this mineral because of its how and where it is produced.

Why Moissanite?

Moissanite is the number one gem in collecting and bending light and only second to

diamond in toughness and durability. Basically, with Moissanite you are getting

diamond-like quality but not the diamond price. DovEggs is a leading jeweler that

guarantees quality pieces at an affordable price. On their website it states that they

stand behind their product and even offer a lifetime warranty. For me, that’s a

commitment I am looking for.


Okay, Now What?

Well for me, I will continue adding screenshots of DovEggs’ bridal sets to my vision

board, but for you, I would galavant around the DovEggs’ website and take in its

modern layout accompanied by the beautiful airy photographs. You can thank me and

the new Youtube algorithm later.


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